Mar 15, 2007

Check It Out

Melvin Public Library News

Donations for the Show Your Love for the Library fundraising campaign continue to arrive each week. Our sincere thanks to the great friends whose support of the library will enrich the lives of all area residents! Recent donors are Evelyn Beck, Ken Thackeray, Sharon Forbes, Teresa Freehill, Florence Knittles, Rick & Lois Arends of Loda, and Carolyn Eberhard of Sierra Madre, California.

The Melvin-Sibley Class of 1964 has made a donation to the library in memory of George Junior Brown, father of Carolyn Brown Lang, a member of that class.

New books at the library include Dreams from My Father and The Audacity of Hope by Barack Obama, Sisters by Danielle Steel, Partner in Crime by J.A. Jance, Family Tree by Barbara Delinsky, White Lies by Jayne Ann Krentz, Ever After by Karen Kingsbury, The Chocolate Cat Caper by JoAnna Carl and The Year of Magical Thinking by Joan Didion.