Jun 21, 2016

Ford County Fair

It's Fair week in Melvin as the Ford County Fair runs June 19-25 on the east side of town.  Tonight's entertainment is a rodeo with a talent show, musical acts, tractor pull and demolition derby scheduled for later in the week.

July Pageturners

In the Unlikely Event by Judy Blume is the selection for the next Pageturners Book Club meeting to be held at 7:00 p.m. at the library on Monday, July 11.  This historical novel set in the idealistic time period of the 1950s mixes a fictional family saga with true events.

Jun 8, 2016

Summer Reading

In the first week of the Summer Reading Challenge we have had 14 young people sign up to win prizes for reading books!

This program runs all summer long so youth may sign up and participate at any time from now through August.

Stop by the library for more details!


The Pageturners book club meets next Monday, June 13 at 7:00 p.m. and the book for discussion is One Plus One by Jojo Moyes.  Copies are still available at the library.