Jul 29, 2015

Summer Reading Bonus

The library's Summer Reading Challenge continues through August and as an added bonus each week that a participant reads 3 or more books at or near their reading level and wins a prize they may also choose a bonus book to add to their own library!

It's also not too late to sign up and participate in the  reading challenge, stop by the library for more details.

Jul 17, 2015

Pageturner Book

The book for discussion at the next Pageturner book club meeting on August 10 is Brain on Fire: My Month of Madness and copies are now available for pickup at the library.  Newcomers to the group are always welcome!

Jul 14, 2015

No Delivery Today!

After speaking with library system headquarters we are sorry to report there will be no van delivery today!  They have promised to make an extra stop tomorrow rather than wait for Friday's delivery.

Jul 1, 2015

Holiday Closing

The library will be open regular hours on Friday, July 3, from 12:00 p.m. until 5:00 p.m. and will be closed all day Saturday, July 4, to celebrate the holiday. 

Happy Independence Day to one and all!